May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. Established in 1949, this month plays a crucial role in shining a light on mental health issues and the importance of support and resources.

Did you know that LiveSafe Resources offers free counseling services to victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and their family members? These services are available regardless of whether the events occurred recently or in the past.

The journey from victim to survivor can be challenging to navigate alone. At LiveSafe Resources, our professional counselors are here to support you through every step of the healing process. Learn more about our services below:

Our Counseling Program

We provide confidential services led by licensed counselors and trained counseling interns. Our solution-focused brief counseling approach includes 12 individual sessions, group support, and family counseling. These services are tailored to meet your specific needs and provide the guidance necessary for healing and balance. Click to learn more>

Meet our Counseling team:


Cana Rainwater                                                       Erica Fortina                                                     Shirell Holmes


Take the First Step Today

If you or a loved one need support, schedule a consultation or call us at 770-423-3592.

The journey from victim to survivor can be challenging to navigate alone. At LiveSafe Resources, our professional counselors are here to support you through every step of the healing process.