It’s National Pet Month, and we’re excited to announce that plans are underway for a pet shelter on the LSR campus, offering a safe haven for families and their beloved pets.

Did you know that up to half of domestic violence survivors delay leaving abusive situations due to fears of abandoning their pets? Research reveals that over 70% of survivors report their abusers have threatened, injured, or killed their pets as a form of control. Most shelters are not equipped to accommodate pets, forcing victims to stay in dangerous environments far longer, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Thanks to a generous building grant from Greater Goods Charities and the Red Rover Foundation, we’re making significant progress towards opening this vital facility in Fall 2024. This shelter will accommodate up to four families at a time, ensuring they can find safety without leaving their furry companions behind—all at no charge.

Thanks to a generous building grant from Greater Goods Charities and the Red Rover Foundation, we’re making significant progress towards opening this vital facility in Fall 2024. This shelter will accommodate up to four families at a time, ensuring they can find safety without leaving their furry companions behind—all at no charge.

By supporting our campus pet shelter initiative, you’re helping us create a safer environment for both people and pets. Together, we can provide a lifeline to those in need, ensuring no one has to choose between their safety and their beloved animal companions.

Join us in making a difference and help us bring this vision to life. Donate Here>>